Sale – How to get a photograph
Solo Exhibitions
NEPAL – Transition einer mysthifizierten Kultur – Photoausstellung im Theaterhaus Stuttgart
Ein ungewöhnlicher Blick auf Nepal
Vernissage July 21 – Exhibition ‚NEPAL‘ Theaterhaus Stuttgart
Die Tigerin von Tukucha
Photos of the hanging of the exhibition
The Exhibited Photographs
I. Landscapes and Animals
II. Religion & Rituals
III. Streetscenes
IV. Civil War
V. Architecture & Heritage – Doors, Ancient Locks (Bothe Talsa) & Windows
Finissage Sunday, September 29, 2019
Austria, Leoben – „Nepal“ in the Townhall
I. Landscapes and animals
II. Heritages and architecture
III. Religious rites
IV. Streetscenes and scenes of the civil war
V. Inauguration Exhibition „Nepal“ in Leoben Austria
Theaterhaus, Germany 2015 – Greece – Quo Vadis?
Tollhaus, Germany 2014 – Photographs from Kashmir, Nepal & Tibet
Tollhaus 2014 Kashmir pics
Tollhaus 2014 Nepal pics
Tollhaus 2014 Tibet pics
Theaterhaus, Germany 2013 – ‚Transition Tibet‘
0. Entrance
A. Landscapes
B: Rites & Rituals
C. Architecture
D. Streetscenes
Transition Tibet: Hanging
Transition Tibet: Inauguration
Art Heritage Gallery, India 2009
Exhibited Photographs: A. Landscape
Exhibited Photographs B. Rites & Rituals
Exhibited Photographs: C. Architecture
Hanging of exhibited photographs and the team
I.a Silent Doors
I.b Bothe Talsa – Ancient Locks
II. Dark Windows
III. Soulful Streets
Inaugural Addresses
Group Exhibitions
Moods & Mazza, Nepal 2007
M & M Exhibited Photographs
M & M Paintings
M & M Inauguration
Bells – Sounds of Silence, Nepal 2007
Bells Text
Bells Exhibited Photographs
Bells -Paintings of Manish Lal Shrestha & Manjul’s poems
Bells Inauguration
Bells – Press
Projects & Installations
Khulla Dhoka Project, Nepal 2006
Exhibition at NAFA (National Academy of Fine Arts), Kathmandu, Nepal
Inauguration at NAFA
Exhibited Photographs at NAFA, Kathmandu
Exhibition at Patan Dhoka
Exhibition at British Council, Kathmandu
Khulla Dhoka Book
Press on Khulla Dhoka
Triangle Arts Trust – Triangle Network Organization
Sutra Art Group, Nepal 2006
Sutra Art Group Open Day
Bishlex Theater Company – Alex Gargilis
Sutra Art Group Participiants
Sutra Art Group Installation ‚Prisoned Peace‘
Khoj Kasheer, India 2007
Khoj Kasheer Open Day
Khoj Kasheer Participians
Khoj Kasheer Installation ‚Fragile Hope‘
Small Scale Exhibitions
Cafe Mitra, Kathmandu, Nepal
Dan Ran, Japanese Restaurant, Patan, Nepal 2006
Himalayan Java Restaurant, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2006
Bistro Reyerhof, Stuttgart, Germany 2010
Kalinta Frames. Patan, Nepal 2006
Kathmandu Gallery, Thamel, Nepal 2007
Neues Buch: OPIUM – Eine kleine Kulturgeschichte und die literarische Avantgarde der Romantik
Khoj Kasheer 2007
Tibet II: People
Siddhartha Art Gallery 2005 – silent doorways, dark windows and soulful streets
Nepal – Black & White
Images tagged "architecture-traditional"
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