21.7. – 30.9.2019 Theaterhaus Stuttgart, Siemenstr. 11, 70469 Stuttgart
Vernissage Sonntag 21.7.2019 11:30 mit / guests:
Werner Schretzmeier – Leiter des Theaterhauses/Founder & Head of the Theatre
Dr. Ricard Storkenmaier (DNH – Deutsch-Nepalische Hilfsgemeinschaft e.V.)
Peter Grohmann (Autor / Author – Unpassende Worte)
Philipp P. Thapa (Umweltphilosoph / Environmental Philosopher – Elfenbeynturm)
und zwischen den Wortbeiträgen / and between the speeches:
Ranav Adhikari (Sarangi – traditionelle Nepalesische Musik)
Photos of the inauguration / Photos der Vernissage July, 21 2019
Ein ungewöhnlicher Blick auf Nepal
von Michael Seehoff, veröffentlicht 23.08.2019
Photos of the hanging of the exhibition
Take a tour through the exhibited Photographs:
Entrance/Opener: The Bhairab Dancer Triptychon
I. Landscapes
Topi-Heads (glimp of a traditional hat-shop)
II. Religion & Rituals
II.1 Religion & Rituals
II.2 Religion & Rituals
II.3 Religion & Rituals
II.4 Religion & Rituals
II.5 Religion & Rituals
III. Streetscenes
III.1 Streetscenes: Markets
III.2 Streetscenes: Ladies
III.3 Streetscenes: Women at Work
IV. Civil War
V. Architecture & Heritage – Doors, Ancient Locks (Bothe Talsa) & Windows
V.1 Heritage 1 Palpa Triptychon
V.2 Heritage 2 Windows
V.3 Heritage 3 Bothe Talsa
V.4. Heritage 4 Doors
Finissage September, 29 2019, 4:00 p.m. (16:00) with cabaretist Peter Grohmann, author Michael Seehoff and others