Greece – Quo Vadis?
Theaterhaus, Stuttgart, Germany 2015
Tollhaus, Karlsruhe 2016
Wartesaal Besigheim 2017
I. Invitation Cards
II. Text des Theaterhaus Programmheft September 2015
III. link to the Theaterhaus blog
IV. Tour to the exhibited photographs
IV.a Landscapes
IV.b Heritages
IV.c Streetscenes
IV.d Graffitos
IV.e Lesbos Refugee
IV.f VioMe
IV.g Greece Exarhia Killing
IV.h Wartesaal Besigheim hanging
IV.h Tollhaus Karlsruhe hanging
IV.h Theaterhaus Stuttgart hanging
I. Invitation Cards
15_09_07 Einladung Quo Vadis Griechenland? Theaterhaus 15_09
IV.a Landscapes

Greece, Thessalia, Meteora: View on the monastery of Agiou Nikolaou Anapafsas and the Drakospilia rocks from the road to Agiou Roussanou

Greece, Thessalia,Meteora, Monastery Moni Agiou Varlaam: View on the monastery from the road to Megalou Meteorou

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: Scene at the Boulevard parallel to Megalou Alexandrou; installation ‚Umbrellas‘ by George Zongolopoulos (Greek sculpturer, painter and architect, 1.3.1903-11.5.2004)

Greece, Makedonia, Chalchidiki, Athos: Orthodox chapel in sunset near Ouranopolis

Greece, Makedonia, Chalchidiki, Athos: Landing stage in Ouranopolis

Greece, Makedonia, Chalchidiki, Kassandra (Chalchidiki): Landing stage in Nea Moudania

Greece, Ionian Islands, Paxos island, Ozias: Ruins in between a olive tree garden on the hills of the south

Greece, Ionian Islands, Korfu (Kerkira): Petriti, central eastern coast. Demolished boat in the harbour

Greece, Ionian Islands, Korfu (Kerkira): Petriti, central eastern coast.

Greece, Ionian Islands, Korfu (Kerkira): Benitses to Petriti, central eastern coast.

Greece, Ionian Islands, Korfu (Kerkira): A heavy thunderstorm in the night in Gouvia Marina

Greece, Mount Olymp (2917m) from the moving train south of Katherini
IV.b Heritages

Greece, Athens: Akropolis The guards leaving the Akropolis

Greece, Athens, Akropolis: Erechtheion Temple, the sacred center of the Akropolis, built 421-405 B.C.

Greece, Central Greece & Evia, Amfissa, Delphi, World heritage Site, Sanctuary of Athena:

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: The Rotunda of St.Georg, built in 306 A.D. in the reign of Emporer Galerius as a temple or mausoleum. It has a diameter of 24,5m and is 30m high. 8 rectangular bays. Later a church (fresco of the ascension 9th century), from 1591 mosque (Süleyman Hortaji Effendi)

Greece, Makedonia, Chalchidiki, Sithonia, Nikiti: Unfinished building

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: Medievial town

Greece, Athens, Syntagma: The hourly changing of the guards in front of the Parliament

Greece, Athens: View on the Akropolis

Greece, Ionian Islands, Corfu (Kerkira): The last soap-factory of Corfu Patounis Savonnerie, close to Sarako Square in Ioannou Theodoraki street No.9, etablished in 1850 and still producing olive-oil soap only with olive-oil, palm-oil and olive-core-oil. GR-49100 Corfu, +30-266-1039806,

Greece, Ionian Islands, Korfu (Kerkira): Traditional tobacco shop in the medieval town
IV.c Streetscenes

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: Greek National Bank, northern main building

Greece, Athens, Monastiraki: An old homeless man with his belongings in Mitropoles Street at the Platia Mitropoleos

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: Scene at the Boulevard parallel to Megalou Anexandrou

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki, Agia Dimitrios: Old women. The church is probably built on a shrine or church of the 5th century, the frescos are from the 8th and 9th century

Greece, Makedonia, Chalchidiki, Kassandra (Chalchidiki): Fisherman at the landing stage in Nea Moudania

Greece, Athens, Syntagma: Used syringes of drug abusers at the Academy of Athens in Panestimiou Street

Greece, Athens, Syntagma: Used syringes of drug abusers at the Academy of Athens in Panestimiou Street

Greece, Athens, Syntagma: Beggar near the Numismatic Muesum in Panestimiou Street

Greece, Athens, Plaka: Barrel-organ player

Greece, Athens, Monastiraki: Ice-cream and water seller

Greece, Athens, Omonia Square: A poem on a wall; ‚High on formaldehyde, Endless columns of flesh, Electronic apparition, Draped in womb of ananke, Shivering whore of light, Dirty infamous pagan fog, Supernatural addiction, Vomited broth of abigor, Alcoholic goatdefilement, Exhaling putrid angeldust, Funeral constellation, Abduction of sacred winds, Degrade the shapeless, As semen blends with rot‘

Greece, Athens, Kolonaki (area around the Panepistimiou): Afghanistan refugees seeking for asylum in front of the University of Athens in Panestimiou street

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: A homeless man sleeping close to the squattered park in Zoodochou Pigis Road behind the motorbike; see also L1340529 on Roll 2011-28

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: A homeless man sleeping close to the squattered park in Zoodochou Pigis Road behind the motorbike; see also L1340529 on Roll 2011-28
IV.d Graffitos

Greece, Attika, Athens:

Greece, Athens:

Greece, Athens:

Greece, Athens:

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: Graffity, Emmanouil Benaki Road

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: Graffiy; pissing on the symbol of the PASOK – Panhellenic Socialist Party

Greece, Athens: Painted on wheelchairdriver sign

Greece, Athens, Monastiraki: Streetscene, antiques shop

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: Graffiti on a burned house

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: Graffiti

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: Graffiti

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: Graffiti

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: Graffiti; Relax,you,trendy people and have a drink-aLITTLE FURTHER AWAY YOUR CAR IS BURNING.

Greece, Athens, Monastiraki: Graffitos above the Turkish Bath (seven winds) on the way to the Akropolis

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: Wallpainting

Greece, Athens, Psiri: Graffito warning of the police in the Athinas

Greece, Ionian Islands, Korfu (Kerkira): Parole ‚Shut up and work – Nea Demokratia, conservative party of Greece‘ in Dionisiou Solomou (at the new fortress)

Greece, Ionian Islands, Korfu (Kerkira):

Greece, Athens, Plaka: Graffito in Lissikratos

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: ΝΑ ΚΟΙΤΑΣ ΠΑΝΤΑ ΝΑ ΔΡΑΠΕΤΕΥΕΙΣ ΑΠ ΤΙΣ ΣΤΕΓΕΣ – ΔΕΝ ΘΑ ΜΠΟΡΕΣΟΥΝ ΝΑ ΒΑΛΟΥΝ ΠΟΤΕ ΤΟΙΧΟ ΑΝΑΜΕΣΑ ΣΕ ΣΕΝΑ ΚΑΙ ΣΤΟΝ ΟΥΡΑΝΟ. Always escape over the roofs – They never can built a wall between you and the sky. „Schau immer, daß Du über die Dächer entkommst – Zwischen Dir und dem Himmel können sie keine Mauer bauen“

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: ‚Freedom to the prisoned – June 21‘
IV.e Lesbos Refugee

Greece, North-East Aegean, Lesbos, between Skala Sykamineas and Mithimna (Molivos), north-east coast: Fisherboat on it’s way to Skala Sykamines

Greece, North-East Aegean, Lesbos, between Skala Sykamineas and Mithimna (Molivos), north-east coast: Private refugee camp west of Skala Sykamines

Greece, North-East Aegean, Lesbos:

Greece, North-East Aegean, Lesbos
IV.f VioMe

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: The by it’s workers occupied factory of Philkeram-Johnson VioMe;

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: The by it’s workers occupied factory of Philkeram-Johnson VioMe;

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: The by it’s workers occupied factory of Philkeram-Johnson VioMe;

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: The by it’s workers occupied factory of Philkeram-Johnson VioMe;

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: The by it’s workers occupied factory of Philkeram-Johnson VioMe;

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: The by it’s workers occupied factory of Philkeram-Johnson VioMe;

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: The by it’s workers occupied factory of Philkeram-Johnson VioMe;

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: The by it’s workers occupied factory of Philkeram-Johnson VioMe;

Greece, Makedonia, Thessaloniki: The by it’s workers occupied factory of Philkeram-Johnson VioMe
IV.g Greece Exarhia Killing

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: Paroles and posters at the memorial stone at the site where the 15-years old Alexandros Grigopoulos was killed by a policeman on December 6th 2008

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: Memorial stone at the site where the 15-years old Alexandros Grigopoulos was killed by a policeman on December 6th 2008

Greece, Athens, Exarhia: Memorial stone at the site where the 15-years old Alexandros Grigopoulos was killed by a policeman on December 6th 2008
IV.h Wartesaal Besigheim hanging

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Besigheim: Opening of exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the culture club Wartesaal

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Besigheim: Opening of exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the culture club Wartesaal

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Besigheim: Opening of exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the culture club Wartesaal

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Besigheim: Opening of exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the culture club Wartesaal

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Besigheim: Opening of exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the culture club Wartesaal

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Besigheim: Opening of exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the culture club Wartesaal
IV.h Tollhaus Karlsruhe hanging

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe: Exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Tollhaus, 1.-29.February 2016

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe: Exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Tollhaus, 1.-29.February 2016

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe: Exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Tollhaus, 1.-29.February 2016

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe: Exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Tollhaus, 1.-29.February 2016

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe: Exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Tollhaus, 1.-29.February 2016

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe: Exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Tollhaus, 1.-29.February 2016

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe: Exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Tollhaus, 1.-29.February 2016

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe: Exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Tollhaus, 1.-29.February 2016

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe: Exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Tollhaus, 1.-29.February 2016

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe: Exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Tollhaus, 1.-29.February 2016
IV.h Theaterhaus Stuttgart hanging

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus

Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Hanging of my exhibition „Greece – Quo Vadis?“ in the Theaterhaus